G'day you bonza lot! So I did say I would be back soon with a blog about what I purchased last Sunday at Battersea Car Boot because it was a pretty epic day it has to be said. Stephen and I have become seasoned car booters this year and I am accustomed to spending our
Author: Gabby Young
Selling at Battersea Car Boot…
Guten Morgen mein lieblings! A few weeks ago we gathered together all our unwanted things/junk and walked around the flat with the mantra 'would I prefer to keep this or make money from selling it?' (which works really well by the way) and crammed it all into our van to make our way to Battersea
The summerhouse is now an all year round sewing room!
Greetings and salutions to you dear readers! I promised to blog about the epic summerhouse overhaul so here you are... We started with this: I've been dreaming of a storage solution for all my stuff a long time... So I took it all outside... And my amazing man, Stephen got the tools out... First we
Sew much fun!
Hello wayward sailors!! Sorry I have been lost at sea again, it will probably happen again if I'm being honest as I have many gigs and a new album to write but I have things I've been stitching to tell you! ;)I LOVE SEWING!! OK I have for a
Other People’s Gardens… PART II
Well good morning to you all!Here is Part II of my little jaunt around stunning gardens and this time it's my boyfriend's wonderful parents' garden in The Wirral, near Liverpool... I just love the variation and colours here - there is so much to see and inspire and I hope it gives you as much
Other People’s Gardens… PART I
Ahoy there!I have been on holiday, like a actual one with beaches and no phone or any form of gig or promotional activity for the last week, and it's been bliss... I really needed this and haven't had one in a very very long time.ANYWAY because of this time off I have been lucky enough
The garden after rain…
Howdy partners!I wanted to pop by and show you how the garden is looking right now... just after a brief splash of unexpected rain. I think the garden is at it's best when it's just been watered - everything looks so fresh and perky!The part I'm most excited to show you is... !THE VEGGIES!OK so