Summer is a’coming in…

Yes, the weather is b e a utiful! I am currently trying to write this blog outside in it... but we all know the blazing sun is not a friend of the humble laptop screen so alas, I must continue inside!The view from our bedroom window...OK I'm back inside our cave like dwelling! At least

Back to the garden…

I'm home now and have returned to a jungle!! The plants have been loving all this rain and been going, well a bit mental, which is exactly the way I like it. They seem happy and that makes me happy (when did I get this old?!)And the Heath looked beautiful too...The swans have baby cygnets

Car Boots & Holidays…

Hello all from sunny Nice! Yes, I'm actually on holiday (first time in 5 years) which is the perfect time to do a blog!Firstly, we did a car boot... we've wanted to for ages but last Sunday we bit the bullet and bought ourselves a pitch at our favourite car boot sale in London, Battersea

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and… Basil?!

While I warm up supper (calm down, I cooked it yesterday- I haven't reverted back to my old ready meals ways!!) I thought I would share some pictures of some new arrivals... HERBS! And lots of them!!OK, they aren't ALL technically herbs- those, up there, are ferns!My lovely friend, stylist, brilliant blogger and general wonderstar

Now, back to the garden…

I have been loving the weather- I don't want to leave the house so I can spend every single moment in the sun and work in the garden.This time last year it was a tip, a building site... a work in progress. This year it is a real fully functioning garden and I couldn't be


So I did what I said I would - I sorted the bedroom! YEY!I got straight to it while Stephen was away on a stag do and spent the whole weekend making it just right for his return.I definitely have the spring cleaning bug at the moment, in fact I just finished the scrubbing every