OK so I have had people asking 'what has happened to your DIY blog?' and seeing as it wasn't just my mum I realised that it might be missed... but the truth is I don't feel very creative in the winter. I avoid the garden, as it's basically a plant graveyard, there are dead leaves
Author: Gabby Young
Where were we?
Oh yes... the garden.My whole summer has been about finishing it and every moment the rain stops I've been working on it - well WE'VE been working on it because I really couldn't have done this without Stephen (and Hobbes)!Oh yes he's been working SO hard! (BTW this was wet paint that he was lying
Drum roll please….
The garden is FINISHED!Well... almost, there are still little things to do but I don't think that will ever change...Isn't it pretty? Just to remind you - here are some before pictures:When we first moved in!After a tidy up, new plants and during 1st project - the pond and 1st patio.The back bit.The back has been
Decorating with vinyl
So for ages I have wanted to paint my fridge... and freezer... and washing machine, dishwasher, tiles, doors etc etc etc but I had to stop my plans because of A)lack of funds and B)the fact that we don't actually OWN this flat and our landlady might not like it.So I looked to other ways
Clock Wall
Remember those clocks from Holloway Car Boot sale in this post? Well we hatched a plan for another 'we live in rented flat so we can't paint or wallpaper' feature wall- this time CLOCKS.I have always loved clocks - my friend from school's father was a clock maker and they were all over their house;
Gabby’s guide to laying a path
Stephen and I have laid 2 path's together now and I am starting to get the hang of it but the 'King Of Path's' is very particular and a perfectionist (which I am not) so I haven't been that instrumental in the laying of it...UNTIL NOW!It was a Monday and Stephen had to go to
Garden improvements
So, as you may know when we moved into our flat we started with an overgrown dump outside...and Stephen and I have been working hard trying to make it into a very special garden for 2 years now.We are lucky with the size of it and it has soooo much potential and a wonderful project