Firstly there are a many books about SEWING…
The Singer Dressmaking Guide is so wonderful- I got it for £1 in a vintage shop and although I haven’t used it I just like looking at it and it’s beautiful illustrations- including the Singer building painted on the back cover!
Thrifty Style was bought on a whim as it was again just £2 at the Book Warehouse Sale (isn’t it a Sale shop? I always laugh when the ‘Sale Shop’ is on Sale – I’m not complaining though!) It’s… ummm… interesting – some things are nice but some things I don’t even understand… anyway each to their own. It does come with patterns which is always good!
Oh I love Gertie – she’s got such great style and I love that she teaches vintage techniques – I am determined to make everything from both of these books this year (and maybe next) because -they are all rather ‘me’!! The new one Gertie Sews Vintage Casual is currently the gift for signing up to Love Sewing magazine and that’s exactly why I subscribed!
Oh these are the three that have really shaped and helped me as a sewist – Tilly Walnes’s Love At First Stitch has given me the confidence and inspiration to really go for making my own clothes- it really is the best book for beginners that like things a bit kitsch like me!
The Overlocker Technique Manual is a must for anyone with an overlocker and I was lucky enough to get mine alongside my beautiful Brother overlocker I got for Christmas. The book has been so so helpful to get to grips with the thing!
The Sewtionary does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a dictionary for everything you need to know about sewing and I use it all the time when a phrase or word comes up in a pattern – it’s never let me down and I reckon I will still use this brilliant book even when I’ve been sewing for decades!
What are your sewing bibles peoples? I want to know!
oh and here’s some books about WOOL…
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Yes that IS Andie MacDowell – even though the models were not credited anywhere- naughty Vogue! |
I’m loving knitting so have been gathering up this little collection – all from car boot sales and charity shops – I’m about to make slippers from Simple Knitting and will one day crack open the Knitting In Vogue to conquer a sweater and learn how to crotchet with Step by Step!
Stephen has a ladybird book collection so it was very apt when he handed me A Ladybird Book About Knitting at last Sunday’s Battersea car boot sale – it’s so adorable!
Must go- it’s time for me to catch up on THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE – yes it’s back and I’m sooo excited!!
I’ll be back with my stash part II – my patterns soon- lots of lovely vintage ones to show off you! 😉
So much love,
Xox Gab-Bookworm xoX
PS. I am looking to earn some extra income and would love it to involve sewing / crafts (you know, creative things) so if anyone has any ideas they really would be most welcome!